Lauteasha Williams, LMFT | Make an Appointment: | (770) 609-9844
(Licensed in GA, FL, and SC. Telehealth Only) | (770) 609-9844
(Licensed in GA, FL, and SC. Telehealth Only)


Coping with Depression During the Holiday Season

During this time of year, radio and TV ads would have us believe we should all feel merry and bright. Sadly, that’s not always the case. According to the National Institute of Health, many people experience depression during the holiday season.Some of the most common reasons people experience depression during this time of year are:Financial hardship – ‘Tis the season to be jolly, unless...[ read more ]

Why Does Exercise Reduce Stress?

If you’re looking for a way to relieve stress, you’ll want to consider incorporating exercise into your daily routine (with a doctor’s approval). Exercise is renowned for being an excellent stress reliever, but how exactly does it affect stress levels? Exercise can:Increase endorphin production – Your pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce endorphins, hormones that can help reduce your stress, relieve...[ read more ]

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11585 Jones Bridge rd, STE 420 Unit # 176
Johns Creek, GA 30022 USA
(770) 609-9844

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